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Selena Gomez Promotes La’Mariette Swimwear’s Summer 2021 Collection

Fashion Styles & Accessories July 4, 2021

Selena Gomez has in the past couple of days been actively promoting La’Mariette Swimwear’s new collection for the summer, reported some US media on July 4, 2021. The global music superstar and entrepreneur is said to have been modelling some bikinis and swimsuits from the fashion brand’s new collection, some of which were designed by herself.

La’Mariette Swimwear Summer 2021 Collection was launched on July 3, 2021. The launching of the collection reportedly marked the beginning of a business partnership between La’Mariette Swimwear and Selena Gomez.

La’Mariette Swimwear is owned by Selena Gomez’s close friend Theresa Marie Mingus and Morgan Brutocao. _________________________ © 2015 - 2021 JK Freelance Group. All Rights Reserved

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