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Enhancement Of Sexiness

Sexiness is simply attractiveness to the opposite sex. Sometimes the concept is referred to by some people as hotness. The video above is about significance of sexiness and its enhancement, with specific reference to girls and women. For the purpose of the video, we have excluded the role of plastic surgery mechanisms in enhancement of sexiness in the description of the video. Lets begin the description by clarifying the relationship between sexiness and beauty. Often the concepts of sexiness and beauty are use interchangeably as if they mean exactly the same thing. That can be very misleading because they don't! In other words, sexiness and beauty are not in strict terms synonymous. While beauty concerns physical appearance in general, sexiness concerns physical attractiveness to the opposite sex. Whereas all sexy girls/women are beautiful, not all beautiful girls/women are sexy. Always, effort is needed to convert natural beauty into sexiness, and particularly to enhance sexiness. We will focus on enhancement, starting with its rationale and followed by how it can be effected.

On the one hand, sexiness of girls and women is a very important personal quality, that can not simply be overlooked or underestimated, as it can be a game changer in a girl's or woman's life. Particularly sexiness of girls and women can facilitate attainment of happiness, hence overall personal success, through enhancing economic prosperity, increasing chances for finding friendships, and increasing chances of finding love. An understanding about how sexiness of girls and women can be enhanced is therefore very crucial indeed.

On the other hand, enhancement of sexiness can be effected in various ways that need personal interest, commitment and even some financial costs. They include the following, among others. 1) Appropriate facial expressions, e.g. smiles and looks 2) Appropriate dressing styles that may entail: use of sexy and trendy outfits, as well as fashion and beauty accessories. With such dressing styles, outfits in particular whilst providing body cover and thermal comfort, also strengthen and emphasize the various physical features of sexiness 3) Fitness that may require: visits to the gym, appropriate eating habits, and involvement in sports Because sexiness and its enhancement can be attained through personal effort, it means all girls and women can look sexy if they choose to and are willing to do what it takes to that effect. There is no possibility, whatsoever, for looking sexy without doing something about it. And doing something may be crucial because sexiness has multifarious of personal benefits as briefly described earlier. Sexiness is, therefore, definitely a good thing. Those who do nothing about it or lambast it as some sort of social or cultural malice are naive, and likely to deny themselves or others the massive benefits associated with sexiness.

Take a look at the video that illustrates in photos some of the things we mentioned in this description.


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