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Facial Expressions. Powerful Features Of Sexiness

Facial expressions are some form of non-verbal communication mechanisms. They convey both emotional and non-emotional messages from individuals to observers. The messages may also be formal or informal.

Because facial expressions are non-verbal, they are like codes that have to be decoded in order to visualize embedded messages or what could be termed encoded information. Efforts to unveil and understand messages conveyed by facial expressions are therefore synonymous to decoding of encoded data. That may not be easy and straight forward as some people may think. Wrong encoding and interpretation of facial expressions may lead to serious interpersonal misunderstandings and conflicts.

Facial expressions may also give some clues about overall behaviours of individuals.

Within the above context, facial expressions can may deliver non-verbally, messages that may be as thus.

1) Enticing 2) Seductive 3) Pitying 4) Friendly 5) Unfriendly 6) Hostile 7) Gazing 8) Impassive 9) Mischievous 10) Deadpan 11) Somber 12) Childish 13) Gloomy 14) Ecstatic, etc.

Messages conveyed by facial expressions may also portray among others the following:

1) Intelligence 2) Stupidity 3) Naivety 4) Sophistication 5) Contempt 6) Timidity 7) Surprise 8) Anger 9) Happiness 10) Sadness 11) Desperation 12) Boredom 13) Disgust 14) Confusion 15) Exhaustion 16) Loneliness 17) Shyness 18) Shame 19) Confidence 20) Easy going 21) Anger 22) Simplicity 23) Rudeness 24) Arrogance 25) Cruelty

From the foregoing, it is vividly clear facial expressions can enhance or deter sexiness to a very great deal. The video above demonstrates the role of facial expressions in enhancing sexiness, through meticulously selected photos of some of the sexiest female celebrities of all time, that we think present some of the most amazing sexy facial expressions by the celebrities. The latter include Shakira, Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Paris Hilton, Eva Mendes, Shontelle, Beyoncé, Kim Kardashian, Julia Roberts, Marilyn Monroe, etc.

Take a look at the video above, that illustrates what we are saying!

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